
Wiedza to potęga?

Francis Bacon, angielski filozof, naukowiec i polityk z XVI-XVII wieku, jest często przypisywany słynnemu powiedzeniu “Scientia potentia est,” co w polskim tłumaczeniu brzmi jako “wiedza to potęga.” Jednakże, istnieje pewne nieporozumienie w tłumaczeniu tego zwrotu, które może prowadzić do mylących interpretacji. W rzeczywistości, Bacon użył zwrotu „ipsa scientia potestas est”, co można bardziej precyzyjnie przetłumaczyć […]


Nature of Capitalism

In a bustling city, surrounded by the relentless energy of commerce, stood a majestic tree. This tree, often overlooked amidst the noise of trade and ambition, had witnessed generations of economic cycles – booms and busts, much like the seasons it weathered. It stood as a silent reminder that growth, whether in business or in […]


Czym jest Wiara?

Wiara jest pojęciem, które od wieków ma kluczowe znaczenie dla ludzkiego życia. Jest źródłem pocieszenia, nadziei i inspiracji dla ludzi z różnych środowisk. Wiara jest głęboko osobistym przekonaniem że coś, czego nie można udowodnić ani zobaczyć, istnieje. Jest to wiara w coś, co jest poza zasięgiem ludzkiego zrozumienia i jest czymś wyjątkowym dla każdej osoby. […]


Will AI shape our opinions, and our future?

In the year 2045, humanity had woven artificial intelligence into the very fabric of daily life. AI, now a ubiquitous presence, was more than a tool; it was a companion, a guide, and for some, a source of wisdom. In the heart of New York City lived Ava, a young journalist passionate about the pursuit […]


Zero Sum Games are for Losers

In the bustling city of Futura, a renowned game theorist named Dr. Elara Huxley held a unique philosophy that would soon shake the foundations of society. Known for her revolutionary ideas, Elara strongly believed that zero-sum games, where one person’s gain is another’s loss, were inherently flawed and detrimental to societal progress. In a world […]


I Feel Offended That You Feel Offended

In recent years, there seems to be a growing number of topics that are considered offensive, inappropriate, or taboo. With the rise of social media and an increased focus on political correctness, people are more vigilant than ever about avoiding offense. While it is important to respect the feelings and experiences of others, this trend […]


What is Faith?

Faith is a concept that has been central to human life for centuries. It has been the source of comfort, hope, and inspiration for people of all walks of life. Faith is a deeply personal belief in something that cannot be proven or seen. It is a belief in something that is beyond the reach […]


Divisive Tactics in Marketing

Consumer electronics companies are constantly battling to gain market share, and they use various tactics to win over customers. One of the most effective way is to create a sense of division among consumers, pitting one brand against another. This strategy is what I call divisive marketing, and it is often used in the consumer […]


Constructive Politics

In the past, the political scene was divided into left and right, representing liberal and conservative ideologies. However, in recent years, a new division has emerged that focuses on the constructive and destructive approaches to governance. This shift is reflective of a change in the priorities of voters and a shift away from ideological purity.


Live Long & Prosper

Live long and prosper — a phrase famously associated with the science fiction series Star Trek, has become more than just a catchphrase. It has become a way of life for people who aspire to a peaceful coexistence with others. In the days of globalization, where the world is becoming more interconnected and interdependent, it […]